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ConfiForms Form Definition
lockedMessageStaff Applications are currently closed for this year
registrationFormTitleStaff Application


Personal Information:



Date of Birth: * DOB2Month DOB2Day DOB2Year


Contact Information:





Position Information:






Background Check:

Florida United Furry Fandom, Inc reserves the right to conduct a background check where appropriate and to use the results in compliance with applicable federal and state laws. By selecting "Submit" I hereby release Florida United Furry Fandom, Inc., its representatives and such individuals from all liability for any damage whatsoever incurred in obtaining or furnishing such information.



Legal Agreements

* CorrectInitial
Type your initials in this box as a digital signature indicating your acknowledgement.

* IndemnifyInitial
Type your initials in this box as a digital signature indicating your acknowledgement.

* PublicStatementInitial
Type your initials in this box as a digital signature indicating your acknowledgement.

* NDAInitial
Type your initials in this box as a digital signature indicating your acknowledgement.



UnderageUnderageYou must be 18 or older at the time of the start of the convention to be considered for staff.warninginfopanel

Form Fields

AdultWill you be 18 years old or older at the start of the convention?false[YES=Yes|NO=No|]We cannot allow those under the age of 18 to join our staff. selecttrue

You must be 18 or older to continueYESValidation ruletrueAdult

Personal Info

FandomNameFandom NameAs you would like to be addressedtexttrue

FNameFirst Nametexttrue
MIMiddle Initialtext
LNameLast Nametexttrue

DOB2Month Date Of Birth Monthfalse[01=1 - January|02=2 - February|03=3 - March|04=4 - April|05=5 - May|06=6 - June|07=7 - July|08=8 - August|09=9 - September|10=10 - October|11=11 - November|12=12 - December|]id;falseselecttrue DOB2DayDate of Birth Dayfalse[01=1|02=2|03=3|04=4|05=5|06=6|07=7|08=8|09=9|10=10|11=11|12=12|13=13|14=14|15=15|16=16|17=17|18=18|19=19|20=20|21=21|22=22|23=23|24=24|25=25|26=26|27=27|28=28|29=29|30=30|31=31|]id;falseselecttrue DOB2YearDate of Birth Yearfalse[1935=1935|1936=1936|1937=1937|1938=1938|1939=1939|1940=1940|1941=1941|1942=1942|1943=1943|1944=1944|1945=1945|1946=1946|1947=1947|1948=1948|1949=1949|1950=1950|1951=1951|1952=1952|1953=1953|1954=1954|1955=1955|1956=1956|1957=1957|1958=1958|1959=1959|1960=1960|1961=1961|1962=1962|1963=1963|1964=1964|1965=1965|1966=1966|1967=1967|1968=1968|1969=1969|1970=1970|1971=1971|1972=1972|1973=1973|1974=1974|1975=1975|1976=1976|1977=1977|1978=1978|1979=1979|1980=1980|1981=1981|1982=1982|1983=1983|1984=1984|1985=1985|1986=1986|1987=1987|1988=1988|1989=1989|1990=1990|1991=1991|1992=1992|1993=1993|1994=1994|1995=1995|1996=1996|1997=1997|1998=1998|1999=1999|2000=2000|2001=2001|2002=2002|2003=2003|2004=2004|2005=2005|2006=2006|2007=2007|]id;trueselecttrue

Address1Address 1texttrue
Address2Address 2text
TownTown or Citytexttrue
ZipZip or Postal Codetexttrue

Contact Info

PhonePhone Numbertexttrue
EMailEmail Addresstexttrue
TelegramTelegram @ NameTelegram is used to conduct interviews.texttrue

WeUseTelegramI understand that Megaplex uses telegram for the interviewing process and for some organizational communication and will make myself available on that platform. Please do not change your @name during the hiring process.checkboxtrue

Role Interests

interestInterested inhidden
AlreadyStaffHave you previously Staffed or Volunteered before?false[10400=Never Staffed or Volunteered prior|10401= Megaplex Volunteer in the past|10402=Megaplex Staff in the past|10403=Other Con Volunteer|]selecttrue
UsernameFLUFF UsernamePlease enter your FLUFF username if you have/had onetext
PrevDeptWhat was the last department you were you PRIMARILY assigned to?false[Art=Creative Services - Art|Publications=Creative Services - Publications|Theming=Creative Services - Theming|Con Ops=Convention Operations|Gopher=Convention Operations - Gophers|Info Desk=Convention Operations - Information Desk|VIP=Convention Operations - VIP Services|HR=Human Resources|Programming=Programming|SecuritySafety=SecuritySafety|AV=Audio Visual|IT=Information Technology|Logistics=Logistics|Sales=Sales|Con Store=Convention Store|Registration=Registration|Vendor Services=Vendor Services|Hotel=Hotel|Gaming=Gaming|Marketing=Marketing|Social Media=Marketing - Social Media|Hospitality=Hospitality|Charity=Charity|Volunteering=Volunteering|Recruiting=Recruiting|Executive=Executive|Accessibility=Accessibility|]label;falseselect

PrimeDeptWhat department are you PRIMARILY interested infalse[Art=Creative Services - Art (FULL)|Publications=Creative Services - Publications (FULL)|Theming=Creative Services - Theming|Con Ops=Convention Operations|Gopher=Convention Operations - Gophers|Info Desk=Convention Operations - Information Desk|VIP=Convention Operations - VIP Services|HR=Human Resources|Volunteering=Volunteering|Programming=Programming|SecuritySafety=SecuritySafety|AV=Audio Visual|IT=Information Technology (FULL)|Logistics=Logistics|Registration=Sales - Registration|Vendor Services=Vendor Services|Hotel=Hotel|Gaming=Gaming|Marketing=Marketing|Social Media=Marketing - Social Media|Hospitality=Hospitality|Charity=Charity|Recruiting=Recruiting|Executive=Executive|Accessibility=Accessibility|]label;falseselecttrue

OtherDeptWhat other departments are you interested infalse[Art=Creative Services - Art (FULL)|Publications=Creative Services - Publications (FULL)|Theming=Creative Services - Theming|Con Ops=Convention Operations|Gopher=Convention Operations - Gophers|Info Desk=Convention Operations - Information Desk|VIP=Convention Operations - VIP Services|HR=Human Resources|Volunteering=Volunteering|Programmingics=Programming|SecuritySafety=SecuritySafety|AV=Audio Visual|IT=Information Technology (FULL)|Logistics=Logistics|Registration=Registration|Vendor Services=Vendor Services|Hotel=Hotel|Gaming=Gaming|Marketing=Marketing|Social Media=Marketing - Social Media|Hospitality=Hospitality|Charity=Charity|Recruiting=Recruiting|Executive=Executive|Accessibility=Accessibility|]label;falsecheckbox_group

ExperienceTell us a little about why you may be a good fit for our team and what your experience isfalse[Art=Creative Services - Art|Publications=Creative Services - Publications|Theming=Creative Services - Theming|Con Ops=Convention Operations|Gopher=Convention Operations - Gophers|Info Desk=Convention Operations - Information Desk|VIP=Convention Operations - VIP Services|HR=Human Resources|Volunteering=Human Resources - Volunteering|Programmingics=Programming|Security=Security|AV=Audio Visual|IT=Information Technology|Logistics=Logistics|Sales=Sales|Con Store=Sales - Convention Store|Registration=Sales - Registration|Vendor Services=Vendor Services|Hotel=Hotel|Gaming=Gaming|Marketing=Marketing|Social Media=Marketing - Social Media|]label;falsetextareatrue

AvailabilityWhat days will you be available outside of the core convention days.false[1040510406=Wednesday Thursday (Load-In)|1040611800=Thursday Friday (Setup)|1041811801=Monday Tuesday (Load-Out)|]Staff are expected to be available all day Friday - Sundaycheckbox_group

Background Check

ConvictionHave you been convicted of a felony that has not been expunged?false[10700=Yes|]checkbox_group

FelonyInfoPlease list relevant convictionsfalse[Art=Creative Services - Art|Publications=Creative Services - Publications|Theming=Creative Services - Theming|Con Ops=Convention Operations|Gopher=Convention Operations - Gophers|Info Desk=Convention Operations - Information Desk|VIP=Convention Operations - VIP Services|HR=Human Resources|Volunteering=Human Resources - Volunteering|Programmingics=Programming|Security=Security|AV=Audio Visual|IT=Information Technology|Logistics=Logistics|Sales=Sales|Con Store=Sales - Convention Store|Registration=Sales - Registration|Vendor Services=Vendor Services|Hotel=Hotel|Gaming=Gaming|Marketing=Marketing|Social Media=Marketing - Social Media|]label;falseCriminal convictions will not necessarily disqualify you from working on Megaplex staff, but Florida United Furry Fandom, Inc. does reserve the right to rely on this information when making staffing decisions as permitted by law. Failure to answer truthfully may be grounds for dismissal from Megaplex staff. textarea

The Legal Stuff

CorrectCorrect Information ClauseBy initialing below you confirm that all of the information you have provided in this form is correct to the best of your knowledge and if any of this information should change you will inform the HR team at within 48 hours.simpleinfopanel
CorrectInitialInitial that the information provided is accuratetexttrue

IndemnifyIndemnification ClauseBy initialing below you agree that you are volunteering to assist Megaplex at your own risk and hereby release and waive all claims against Megaplex, Florida United Furry Fandom, Inc. and its agents from injuries, damages arising from injuries relating to activities related to events conducted by Florida United Furry Fandom, Inc. I further agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless from any loss, liability, attorney fees, damage that they may occur out of or related to the event services offered by Florida United Furry Fandom, Inc.simpleinfopanel
IndemnifyInitialInitial that you agree to Indemnification Clausetexttrue

PublicStatementPublic Statement ClauseBy initialing below you agree that you understand that as a staff member you represent the Megaplex convention and it's parent company. As such any public statements that you may make can reflect on the convention and should it reflect poorly could result in your removal from staff, ineligibility from staff in the future, and/or ineligibility to attend future events.simpleinfopanel
PublicStatementInitialInitial That you agree to Public Statement Clausetexttrue

NDANon Disclosure AgreementBy initialing below you agree that you understand that as a staff member you will come into contact with privileged information that is proprietary to Megaplex or its parent company, Florida United Furry Fandom Inc., and as such any information that has not already been made public by the board of directors or by other official means may not be disclosed at any time publicly or to individuals who are not currently an active “Staff” member. Any breaches of this agreement may result in the termination of the individual from staff, ineligibility to volunteer/staff/attend any events conducted by or in partnership with Florida United Furry Fandom, Inc. and/or legal action.simpleinfopanel
NDAInitialInitial That you agree the NDAtexttrue


Hide fields if not 18+

!Adult:YESFName,Phone,AlreadyStaff,Conviction,CorrectHide fieldAdulttabletrue

Alert user if under 18

Adult:NOUnderageShow fieldAdulttabletrue

Only Show Previous Position if Already Staff

!AlreadyStaff:10402PrevDept,UsernameHide fieldAlreadyStafftrue

Only Show Felony Info id Convicted

!Conviction:10700FelonyInfoHide fieldConvictiontrue

Load in a get variable

Adult:YESFName,Phone,AlreadyStaff,Conviction,CorrectgetPositionID(formName, formId);Run custom JavaScriptAdulttabletrue

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