Please note that this form may not be compatible with mobile devices. If you do not see the form below or have difficulties submitting your form please try using the "Request Desktop Site" option or if you continue to have issue please use a computer to make your submissions. 

Welcome to the Megaplex Online Volunteer form. Thank you for taking the time to help out our team! Please see the below form to submit your available time(s). Please submit your Telegram name as this is our primary form of communication during the convention. 

Volunteer Application

Personal Data:

Scheduling Preferences:

Additional Information:

            "key": "MPVOL"
       "customfield_10209": "[entry.FandomName.escapeJSON]",
       "customfield_10212": "[entry.LegalName.escapeJSON]",
       "customfield_10213": "[entry.EMail.escapeJSON]",
       "customfield_10210": "[entry.Backup.escapeJSON]",
       "customfield_10600": "[entry.DOB.formatDate(YYY-MM-dd)]",
       "customfield_10604": [[entry.Availability.transform(id).asArrayOfKVPairs(id)]],
       "customfield_10211": "[entry.AddInfo.escapeJSON]",
       "description": "Vol App",
	   "labels": ["2023"],
       "summary": "Volunteer App: [entry.FandomName.escapeJSON]",
       "issuetype": {
          "name": "Volunteer Application"