Panel RequestSubmit Panel Submission has been received and has been assigned the following ID: [entry.JIRAKey]SubmittrueINLINEPersonal Data:FandomNametrue LegalNametrue EMailtrue Backuptrue
hasCohosttrue CoHostNametrue CoHostEmailtrue Panel Information:PanelTitletrue PanelDesctrue RatingtrueINLINE Tracktrue RunTimetrue
AttendancetrueScheduling Preferences:Preferred Time PrefDaytrueINLINEPrefTimeINLINE Secondary Time SecDaytrueINLINESecTimeINLINE
Needs/Request:Setuptrue Teardowntrue AVNeedstrue
RoomSetuptrue AddInfotrue
panpolicytrue PanPolAgree
JIRAKeyJIRAKeytext FandomNameFandom NameAs you would like it to appear in the scheduletexttrue LegalNameLegal NameAs it appears on your Government Issued IDtexttrue EMailEmail Addresstexttrue
hasCohostI have a cohost I want to listcheckbox CoHostNameCo-Host Fandom Name(s)Please provide fandom names separated by commastexttrue CoHostEmailCo-Host Email Address(es)Please provide E-Mail addresses in the order of the names listed and separated by commastexttrue
PanelTitlePanel TitleAs you would like it to appear in the scheduletexttrue PanelDescPanel DescriptionAs you would like it to appear in the scheduletextareatrue RatingRatingfalse[General Audience=General Audience|Mature Themes=Mature Themes|AdultExplicit Content=Explicit Content|]selecttrue
PrefDayPrefered Dayfalse[10000=Thursday|10001=Friday|10002=Saturday|10003=Sunday|]selecttrue PrefTimePreferred Timefalse[Morning=Morning (Before Noon)|Early Afternoon=Early Afternoon (12pm - 3pm)|Late Afternoon=Late Afternoon (3pm - 6pm)|Early Evening=Early Evening (6pm - 9pm)|Late Evening=Late Evening (9pm - Close)|]selecttrue SecDaySecondary Dayfalse[10024=Thursday|10025=Friday|10035=Saturday|10036=Sunday|]selecttrue SecTimeSecondary Timefalse[Morning=Morning (Before Noon)|Early Afternoon=Early Afternoon (12pm - 3pm)|Late Afternoon=Late Afternoon (3pm - 6pm)|Early Evening=Early Evening (6pm - 9pm)|Late Evening=Late Evening (9pm - Close)|]selecttrue
RunTimeExpected Run Timefalse[10047=1/2 Hour|10048=1 Hour|10049=1 1/2 Hours|10050=2 Hours|10051=2 1/2 Hours|10052=3 Hours|10053=3 1/2 Hours|10054=4 Hours|]id;falseselecttrue BackupBackup ContactTelegram, Phone#, etc please specifytexttrue TrackProgramming Trackfalse[10055=Art|10056=Fursuit|10057=Gaming|10058=Meet & Greet|10059=Music|10060=Podcast|10062=STEM|10063=Writing|10064=Other|11600=Comedy|]label;falseIf Other please let us know in the Additional Information field.selecttrue SetupSetup Time Requiredfalse[10065=No Time Needed|10066=30 Minutes|10067=1 Hour|10109=More Time Needed|]Will your require time for Setup?select TeardownTeardown Time Requiredfalse[10068=No Time Needed|10069=30 Minutes|10070=1 Hour|10110=More Time Needed|]Will your require time for Teardown?select AVNeedsA/V Requirementfalse[10076=Projector|10078=Microphone/Speaker|10079=Mixer|10080=Other|]If you do not request it we will not be able to provide on site. Please make sure to bring any cables you need. If Other please let us know in the Additional Information field.checkbox_group AttendanceExpected Attendancefalse[10081=< 35|10082=37 - 75|10083=75 - 150|10084=150 - 250|10085=250+|]selecttrue RoomSetupRoom Setupfalse[10071=Class Room|10072=Lecture|10073=Workshop|10074=No Chairs|10075=Other|]Class room is tables with seating facing forward. Lecture is all seating, facing forward. Workshop is multiple tables with seating all around the tables. No Chairs is empty floor space. If Other please let us know in the Additional Information AddInfoAdditional Infofalse[]Please provide any additional information we may need including information on any fields in which you selected other.textarea panpolicyPanel PoliciesBy checking the box below, you attest that you have read and understand the following policies. Panels must abide by the Conventions Code of Conduct. Panels are not permitted to show, distribute, or otherwise share copywritten materials. Megaplex and Panels may not be used for the voicing of political views or the furthering of a political agenda. Panels may be canceled by the convention at its discretion.simpleinfopanel PanPolAgreeI have read and agree to abide by and enforce the Panel Policies in my panel false[10076=I have read and agree to abide by and enforce the Panel Policies in my panel |]checkbox_grouptrue
Cohost Logic Hide CoHostName and CoHostEmail when hasCohost unchecked hasCohost:falseCoHostName,CoHostEmailHide fieldhasCohost Show CoHostName and CoHostEmail when hasCohost checked hasCohost:TrueCoHostName,CoHostEmailShow fieldhasCohost Set CoHostName and CoHostEmail To N/A when hasCohost unchecked hasCohost:falseCoHostName,CoHostEmailCoHostName=N/A & CoHostEmail=N/ASet valuehasCohost
Set CoHostName and CoHostEmail To N/A when hasCohost unchecked hasCohost:TrueCoHostName,CoHostEmailCoHostName=N/A & CoHostEmail=N/AReset valuehasCohost
Preferred Date/Time Intelligence Reset time on day change PrefTime10100,10101,10102,10007,10008,10009,10010,10011,10012,10013,10014,10015,10016,10017,10018,10019,10020,10021,10022,10023Reset valuetruePrefDay When no day selected Hide all[empty]PrefTimeMorning,Early Afternoon,Late Afternoon,Early Evening,Late EveningHide fieldPrefDay Thursday Hide unwanted values,Early Afternoon,Late AfternoonHide fieldPrefDay Show wanted values Evening,Late EveningShow fieldPrefDay Friday Show wanted values,Early Afternoon,Late Afternoon,Early Evening,Late EveningShow fieldPrefDay Saturday Show wanted values,Early Afternoon,Late Afternoon,Early Evening,Late EveningShow fieldPrefDay Sunday Hide unwanted values Evening,Late EveningHide fieldPrefDay Show wanted values,Early Afternoon,Late AfternoonShow fieldPrefDay
Secondary Date/Time Intelligence Reset time on day change SecTime10100,10101,10102,10007,10008,10009,10010,10011,10012,10013,10014,10015,10016,10017,10018,10019,10020,10021,10022,10023Reset valuetrueSecDay When no day selected Hide all[empty]SecTimeMorning,Early Afternoon,Late Afternoon,Early Evening,Late EveningHide fieldSecDay Thursday Hide unwanted values,Early Afternoon,Late AfternoonHide fieldSecDay Show wanted values Evening,Late EveningShow fieldSecDay Friday Show wanted values,Early Afternoon,Late Afternoon,Early Evening,Late EveningShow fieldSecDay Saturday Show wanted values,Early Afternoon,Late Afternoon,Early Evening,Late EveningShow fieldSecDaySunday Hide unwanted values Evening,Late EveningHide fieldSecDay Show wanted values,Early Afternoon,Late AfternoonShow fieldSecDay
id:[empty]JIRAKeyHide fieldJIRAKey WebService Requestd20c781e9483ebfeddbaf38eeb88fdf7onCreated/rest/api/2/issue/X-Atlassian-Token: no-check;Content-Type: application/json;myjiraPOST